The notion of Telmek Global Resources (“TGR”), Community, Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment and Security (“CASHES”) Policy, is the utmost importance on management’s responsibility for a lasting good community relationship, health and safety of all active individual in our operations, and any member of the public that may be affected.

Community Affairs

The key objective is to ensure healthy relationships with host communities by employing the following:

  1. Employment of qualified youths of the community.
  2. Communicating with clients, host communities, relevant government departments etc. in turn to ensure a secure and peaceful working atmosphere. 
  3. Employment of community liaison officer where needed.
  4. Pre-emptive resolution of disputes and  misunderstandings.

Health And Safety

It is the company’s policy to conduct all its operations in a way to guarantee the health and safety of all its employees. Therefore, our policy shall be to:

  1. Guarantee all TGR’s employees are trained for any task they may be assigned to do.
  2. Ensure that any workers believe that cannot be carried out in accordance with the safety policy must be stopped and immediately reported to his supervisor.
  3. Eliminate all forms of hazards in and around work areas.
  4. Proper maintenance of machines and equipment.
  5. Assess to First-Aid resources for all Company’s employees.
  6. All employees are to be confirmed medically fit before being employed and annually by a qualified medical doctor.
  7. Complete health hazard identification list.
  8. AdequateInvestigative process for all operational accidents in order to reveal immediate and remote causes and ascertain ways to prevent re-occurrence.
  9. Maintain zero fire accidents.
  10. Recognize personnel excellence in Health and Safety through periodic awards show discontentment to attitudes capable of hampering health and safety efforts.


The company, shall at all times, continue to be directed on matters affecting the environment in which it operates. Precisely, our policy shall be to:

  1. Function within the limits of job requirements in order to minimize any such detrimental effects on the environment in which we work.
  2. Ensure proper waste disposal procedure according to client and statutory standards.
  3. Ensure clients permit-to-work, as well as statutory permits are obtained before commencing any work which has potentials for environmental pollution.
  4. Educate personnel in environment related matters.


TGR aims to ensure that all security arrangements are
effective as this is regarded as an integral part of our overall health and
safety program. To this end, our policy shall be to:

  1. Engage employees in all drills and activities geared towards bolstering and supporting high security consciousness.
  2. Liaise with relevant government security agencies to ensure their support whenever required.
  3. Organize in-house training program for company security personnel to enhance performance.
  4. Observe all forms of unauthorized movements in and around operational areas.
  5. Ensure that each employee of the company is adequately identified by use of card systems.
  6. Ensure adequate protection and security lighting of operational areas.
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